Running for a cause

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted” (Aesop)

The Jerusalem Municipality and Mayor Moshe Leon place highest priority on assisting groups and populations in Jerusalem in need of support. Incorporating a social and communal dimension in the race gives added value to the runners’ experience. Therefore the Jerusalem Winner Marathon encourages runners and the general public to contribute to participating organizations.
Donations can be made by selecting an organization or NGO from the list below and filling out the donation form, which will be sent to the selected organization.
The donated sum will be recorded directly in the selected organization’s systems. Once the process has been completed, follow the link to return to the International Jerusalem Winner Marathon registration form.
The organizations take full responsibility for the donation forms that appear on this website.

Details subject to change

The Israel Cancer Association

The Israel Cancer Association was founded in 1952 in order to reduce cancer mortality and morbidity rates and to improve the quality of life of cancer patients. The association is a non-profit institution that is completely dependent on public donations and is not funded by any government ministry. This enables the association to work freely and provide support without any conflicts of interest. Leading medical professionals and researchers are volunteer members of the association's professional committees. All projects supported by the association are carefully assessed from professional and practical perspectives that analyze the national benefits of each opportunity. The Israel Cancer Association Executive Committee is a small committee comprised of public figures, medical experts, researchers and a board of trustees. The association's activities are run by some 3,500 volunteers in 70 branches throughout Israel. The volunteers provide social and welfare services for cancer patients and promote public relations in order to increase awareness of cancer, prevention, and the importance of early detection. Its many years of activities and the wide range of issues that it promotes have granted public, national and international recognition for the Israel Cancer Association (ICA). Friends of ICA groups have been founded in several countries and the association is represented in important professional forums in Israel and abroad.
ICA Website

Keren Gefen

Keren Gefen is a non-profit organization that provides emotional and wellness support to fertility challenged women and couples in Israel at minimal or no cost. Our activities are based in the warm and nurturing Gefen Center, located in the German Colony in Jerusalem. We have created an array of innovative programs of Mind/Body Therapies, CBT Counseling, Yoga Fertility Workshops and Complementary Treatments and continually offer Fertility Mind/Body Workshops and Fertility Yoga Workshops. We reach out to different communities such as the Haredi Community, Single women and women considering Fertility preservation. Our programs include Hadassah Rimon Fertility Center in Hadassah Mt. Scopus Hospital and a joint program with Nishmat Yoatzot Halacha Fertility Counselors. Gefen welcomes your support!
Run for Keren Gefen


Team Yachad is the most fun and exciting way to both support individuals with disabilities while having the time of your life! Yachad, The Jewish Council for Disabilities is a thriving organization dedicated to addressing the needs of all individuals with disabilities and ensuring their inclusion in every aspect of life. Yachad Israel has many inclusive activities, programs, classes, weekend retreats and lots more all designed to ensure persons with diverse abilities their rightful place within the Jewish community.
Yachad Website

Kav L'Noar

This year, an energetic, spirited group of youth, volunteers, members, staff and families have decided to take the leap and join the Jerusalem Marathon as a group. You are invited to join us by sponsoring and supporting our team and helping us realize our full potential. Together, we can create opportunities for teens at risk to develop a meaningful relationship with the Kav L'Noar counselors and reach for the skies!
Kav L'Noar Website

עמותת רפאנא

רפא נא נופש מרפא הוקמה ב-2014 במטרה לסייע לחולי סרטן בישראל לקחת פסק זמן מהמחלה והטיפולים בחופשה קצרה ופרטית יחד עם בני זוג או כל המשפחה. הנופש הוא לא מותרות! הוא חשוב לרווחתם הנפשית והגופנית הן של החולים והן של בני המשפחה שלהם. מטופלים אונקולוגיים מספרים לנו כמה הנופש היה חיוני עבורם, הזדמנות ליהנות וגם לאגור כוחות ואנרגיות כדי להתמודד עם האתגרים העתידיים שלהם וליצור זכרונות בלתי נשכחים עם יקיריהם. מאז הקמתה ב-2014 הארגון סייע לאלפי חולים ובני המשפחה שלהם לצאת לנופש קצר
לאתר העמותה

Bnei Akiva - Kedma

Bnei Akiva of the US & Canada is the premier religious Zionist youth movement dedicated to growing generations of Jews committed to building a society devoted to Torah and the Jewish people in the state of Israel. Kedma empowers its global base of volunteers to connect to Israeli society by giving back. Through Kedma’s transformative volunteer programs, each week hundreds of people make a difference in Israeli society by volunteering with various populations including (but not limited to): children from at-risk homes, women’s shelters, refugees, individuals with special needs, soup kitchens, lone soldiers and lone Bnot sherut, and single parent families.
Bnei Akiva website

Keren Or

Keren Or is an extraordinary school and treatment program for children aged 3-21 who are blind or visually impaired and have complex disabilities. Every student has an individually-tailored program that combines cognitive stimulation and social enrichment with a wide range of therapies. We aim to give each child the tools to interact with his/her surroundings, and communicate with those who love them; and we aim to give parents the support they need to raise their children at home, and provide them with the highest possible quality of life.
Keren Or Website


ELIYA - The Association for Blind and Visually Impaired Children in Israel Established in 1982, ELIYA is the only organization in the country specializing in early intervention programs for infants, toddlers and preschoolers with blindness or visual impairment, including children with multiple developmental challenges.
ELIYA Website

עמותת "just one chesed"

Just One Chesed is a global movement of giving. We inspire and educate people to make chesed the driving force in their lives, providing them with the tools and resources to make giving easier than ever.
לאתר העמותה

The Michael Levin Base

The Michael Levin Base supports lone soldiers and lone bnei sheirut leumi before, after and during their service. We provide shabbat and chag meals, social events, essential supplies, laundry services, study groups, psychometric courses, mental health support as well as many other programs. We are helping these young men and women build a community for support and creating a home away from home. Every year we join the Jerusalem Marathon with a group of supporters, community members, lone soldiers and lone bnei sheirut who run together in support of The Michael Levin Base. It's so special to bring together our volunteers and supporters to run together in Jerusalem. Especially this year for people to show their appreciation to our lone soldiers and lone bnei sheirut.

Thank Israeli Soldiers

Thank Israeli Soldiers was established 20 years ago to embrace, empower, and educate the soldiers of the IDF. Since then, we have reached over 1 million soldiers with programs that respond to their mental, physical, and psychological needs. Through educational lectures, heritage tours, and resilience workshops, we provide soldiers with the tools to strengthen their identity, morale, and emotional well-being while they serve and beyond. Our team is running to show our appreciation for the heroes of the IDF and the military families who have put everything on the line to defend Am Yisrael.

United hatzalah of israel

Race to save lives with Team Avraham for United Hatzalah in this year’s Jerusalem Marathon and help save lives across Israel! United Hatzalah of Israel is the largest independent, non-profit, fully volunteer Emergency Medical Service organization that provides the fastest and free emergency medical first response throughout Israel. United Hatzalah’s service is available to all people regardless of race, religion, or national origin. United Hatzalah has more than 8,000 volunteers around the country, available around the clock – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, who respond to emergencies in as little as 90 seconds or less.


Woman to Woman, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping the victims of domestic violence in Israel, established the Jerusalem Shelter for Battered Women in 1982. Since then it has aided hundreds of women who have suffered abuse at the hands of their partners. The Shelter provides physical haven and emotional security for women from all over the country regardless of religion, race, nationality, age, education or economic situation. Woman to Woman’s primary goal is to ensure the welfare of the women who come to us for refuge and help them find a way to leave the cycle of violence. To this end Woman to Woman maintains a cluster of programs and facilities: Shelter, Children`s Center, Halfway Housing, Legal Aid, Community Rehabilitation and Integration. This year, Woman to Woman will join the Jerusalem Marathon: women from the Shelter, volunteers and staff members will run for the Shelter. Support us and join us in our efforts to end domestic violence!


Team Shalva is a diverse group of over 500 runners who travel from around the world to Israel to participate in the Jerusalem Marathon in support of Shalva, the Israel Association for the Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities. In addition to the run itself (5k, 10k, half marathon or full marathon), the international and local runners participate in the Community Run alongside Shalva's children, their family members and Shalva staff. This accessible track is a Shalva initiative on marathon day which allows people with disabilities to run. Running side by side in Shalva running gear, Shalva's children and the marathon runners represent a beautiful demonstration of a community dedicated to health, inclusion and the celebration of life. Team Shalva's international members spend a beautiful weekend of events and activities in Jerusalem.
Team Shalva website


Known as "ADI Ascend," the ADI running team will participate in the Jerusalem Marathon under their slogan, "Each according to his own pace." The team consists of children, parents, staff members, volunteers, friends and supporters of ADI, including public figures. The ADI family participates in the marathon to promote inclusion within Israeli society, enabling children and adults with disabilities to become active members of the community, take part in social activities and experience the thrills and excitement that all people deserve to enjoy - no matter how severe their limitations. Funds raised by ADI Ascend will help ADI continue to provide its residents - over 750 babies, children and adults with severe complex disabilities - with a loving home, the professional care they need to thrive, and full access to rewarding and enriching experiences
run for ADI

One Family

OneFamily was established in 2001 to address the human tragedies caused by the worst wave of terror in Israel's history. We are Israel’s premier privately-funded organization serving the needs of Israeli victims of terror, working hand-in-hand with Government agencies, providing crucial immediate and long term assistance that the government cannot. The work of "OneFamily" begins from the moment the terror attack occurs and continues throughout the entire healing process. We are there in moments of joy and sorrow and in times of crisis. OneFamily is dedicated to empowering victims of terror to rehabilitate and to rebuild their lives, and reintegrate into society.
One Family website

The Koby Mandell Foundation

The Koby Mandell Foundation ( runs therapeutic and healing programs for people who lost immediate family members to terror attacks or tragedy. Camp Koby and Yosef and our Mother's Healing Programs provide individuals and families with the tools to translate the pain and suffering of tragedy into positive personal growth, deeper interpersonal relationships, and active community leadership. All of our programs are free of charge. Our unique methods are based on the personal experience of Rabbi Seth and Sherri Mandell after their 13 year old son Koby and his friend Yosef Ishran were murdered by terrorists in 2001. Team Camp Koby raises money for our flagship program "Machaneh Koby V' Yosef", a summer camp for children, bereaved from terror and other tragedies. Join us and help more kids heal!
TKMF Website

The Lone Soldier Center

The Lone Soldier Center in Memory of Michael Levin helps thousands of lone soldiers every year - young men and women who leave their family and friends to serve in the IDF and protect the State of Israel and the Jewish people. The Center was founded by friends of Michael Levin z"l, a lone soldier from Philadelphia who fell in battle during the Second Lebanon War. Today we're proud to be making Michael's dream a reality, providing lone soldiers with "a home away from home", housing, guidance, counseling, a strong community, social events and Shabbat meals. At the Center's core are our volunteers, former lone soldiers who work tirelessly to help lone soldiers thrive before, during and after their military service.
TLSC Website


The Center for Multiple Sclerosis provides the patient with the best treatment and required care. In the Center are neurologists who are experts in multiple sclerosis, a nurse, a social worker and a psychologist . In addition the Center offers Rehabilitation services at Har HaTsofim. The Center for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) at Hadassah is a multidisciplinary center that coordinates the treatment and follow-up of multiple sclerosis patients in the Jerusalem area and its surroundings, and is a reference center for patients all over the country and abroad.

"Ohr Torah Stone"

For years, young adults with physical and developmental disabilities watched wistfully as their siblings and mainstreamed peers left them behind to spend a year in Israel after high school. Darkaynu is the first and only program to fulfill their dreams by giving them the same opportunity of spending a year learning and touring in Israel, connecting to their roots, learning to live independently, building self-confidence and generally experiencing the feeling of being just like everyone else.

Yad L’Olim

Yad L’Olim provides Olim with the assistance they need to navigate complex bureaucracy when acclimating to life in Israel through our government advocacy, personal assistance, and educational programs. With Olim from 22 countries turning to Yad L’Olim for assistance on an individual and communal level, Yad L’Olim has become THE advocate for Olim within the halls of the Israeli government.
Yad L’Olim Website

קואליציית הארגונים הדתיים למען בריאות הנפש

קואליציית הארגונים הדתיים למען בריאות הנפש, פועלת עבור מתמודדי הנפש בעזרת פרויקט "גחליליות - קהילות מאמצות מחלקות" עם מעל 200 מתנדבים בכל הארץ המבקרים ומשמחים את המאושפזים בחגים ובימי חול. ומפעילה מועדון חברתי לצעירים מבתים דתיים עם התמודדות נפשית היוצרים באמצעותו מעגל חברי מכיל ושמח. העמותה תומכת גם בבני המשפחה של מתמודדי הנפש בעזרת מוקד טלפוני "call לנפש 8246*", המספק מידע ותמיכה טלפונית על ידי מוקדנים מתנדבים, בני משפחה בעלי ידע מניסיון, שקיבלו הכשרה מקצועית. העמותה מקדמת שינוי בחברה הישראלית באמצעות כנסים, ימי עיון והשתתפות בוועדות הכנסת כדי להביא יחס מכבד, בגובה העיניים למטופלים ומשפחותיהם ולהוציא אותם אל קדמת הבמה.